When Spanish Oak Events brings me a bride, I know I am going to be delighted. After I met Liz, I was ecstatic! Her vision was glorious! Look at these colors, rich modern and just a little bit edgy.


She wanted a tiny bouquet that was a delicate mix of textures and soft colors, we mixed dried elements like lavender, bunny tails with a touch of fresh astrantia and ranunculus, tied in soft velvet.

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Equally diminutive, the bridesmaids got a finishing wrap of mod gold velvet.

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The New Orleans Athletic Club was the perfect backdrop for this chic affair. The courtyard hosted the ceremony, decorated with vintage rugs from our friends at Lovegood Rentals.


I would be remiss not to mention how dashing Charlie and his groomsmen were in their vibrant blue, a perfect foil for the sepia tones of of the flowers. Who is afraid of color? Not us!

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One dramatic flip later - have I mentioned how Becky from Spanish Oak Events loves a flip? and the courtyard is transformed. A stunning wood kings table and fab chairs from Lovegood, and the stage is set for a elegant reception.

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Yes, that is our favorite little red coffee truck - Petite Rouge.

Thanks to The Boogie Men for making the flip - and the party - a little more fun - and distracting the guests. A special thanks to Brandi Potter Photos, we think you captured every moment perfectly! And a special thanks to Liz and Charlie, for letting us do what we do.